After Didi’s "scold", more pragmatic actions are needed


 Didi has recently been quite "attentive", launching a complain program of "Chattering Didi", which is self-deprecating, self-deprecating, mutual tearing, "red-faced sweating", which has attracted a lot of laughter and applause. The president, Ms. Liu Qing, personally "went to the grassroots" and worked as an operator to respond to users’ complaints. The funny and warm feelings are combined, and while adding points to Didi, there are also voices of doubt.

In the public video, Liu Qing asked Didi executives to go to the first-line experience operator when they were promoted. From her personal experience, the professionalism is debatable. Grassroots customer service is a variety of cooperation work. If this can represent Didi’s customer service level, it will actually increase users’ concerns. We can’t say this is a "show", but professional people do professional things. Even if executives come to answer the phone as customer service, can they reap real problems? The key is that on-the-job customer service strictly implements relevant systems.

Look at the complain link again. The selected roles are talk show stars, luxury car stars, drivers, and product manager representatives. Is this user sample down-to-earth and can it represent the voice of the majority? In response to specific questions: the price increase of taxis, take "riding a bicycle will pass by the fruit store to buy expensive cherries" to prove that taxis are more cost-effective; the big data kill problem, the response is "You have only driven a few times, are we familiar with you?"; the estimated price error problem, take the black car price "darker" as a comparison; the customer thinks that the navigation detours far and insists on his own direction, which boils down to the passenger’s "will to ride a bicycle".

For another example: passengers can’t get a taxi, and the product manager attributed the root cause to limited transportation capacity, "I can’t do it". The problem is that behind the limited transportation capacity, is it a regulatory problem in various places? Or is it a problem with the platform? In a business, if there is demand, there will be supply. Who doesn’t make money? If the reflection is not deep, the problem is difficult to solve.
Didi allows users, drivers, and staff to "make a big noise" and figure out the problem in complaining, ridiculing, and speculating. This is a good thing.After all, it opened the door to facing the problem directly, but the problem was that the on-site answers were more hesitant, which closed the door to solving the problem again.

Therefore, many netizens have questioned,Is this spending money to scold, or whitewashing and boasting?

Looking at the scope of the problems discussed in this Roast, it is generally limited to shallow levels such as long queuing time, opaque price, inaccurate positioning, inaccurate navigation, and stingy taxi coupons.Safety is rarely discussed.Finally, Liu Qing’s sentence "On security issues, we are not joking" ended hastily. Judging from the effect of solving the problem, this kind of open dialogue seems to "address only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue". On the surface, it is lively. If you think about it carefully, there is no real solution to the fundamental problem.

For travel, it’s not about how fast you run, but how stable you run without "rolling over". Users don’t necessarily demand how perfect the app is.What matters more is that the service is cost-effective and safe.A correct understanding of the problem is the prerequisite for correcting the problem later.

Some people think that it is difficult to travel, and it is inherently difficult, and they are too harsh on Didi. Many people commute to get off work and travel without Didi. We are patient with service improvement and innovation. As a "breaker", we must have a great responsibility.

Self-blackening is a good starting point, don’t keep "blackening".Liu Qing also realized that "users always think that Didi is cheating people". We have seen too many examples of companies "humbly admitting their mistakes and not changing their lives", such as telecommunications harassment, bidding rankings, big data push… After many companies fall into a crisis, they either pass the problem on to temporary workers to take the blame, or directly attack the media to spread rumors, or hide and be an "ostrich". Didi has chosen a good way to dare to scold, and now it needs more pragmatic actions, otherwise scolding is equivalent to scolding in vain.

Catering enterprises in the face of the epidemic in addition to force takeaway, what other tricks?

  The delivery guy sprayed disinfectant on his body.

  Catering enterprise employees "fire line to join" fresh food platform.

  Soup base, ingredients, special thermal insulation container… Takeaway hot pot "all internal organs"

  Text, Photo/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Zeng Fanying, Correspondent Zhang Bin, Xian Wenxin

  Yesterday was the first day after the Spring Festival that enterprises resumed work and production, and many catering businesses have experienced a long Spring Festival holiday.

  At present, many catering enterprises are facing difficulties, actively responding, and exploring and seeking to break through. Recently, various catering private enterprises have launched countermeasures to meet market demand and create more new opportunities for their own development. How effective various countermeasures are remains to be seen. Are they ready for the arrival of "spring"?

  Countermeasure 1: cooked food, work in progress, fresh ingredients can be takeaway

  "Alan’s Food Group" is the WeChat "fan group" of Liyatu, a well-known western restaurant in Guangzhou. In just one week, the number of people in the WeChat group has exceeded 400. Fans place orders in the WeChat group to buy Liyatu’s online products, and the store uses "errands" to deliver them to their doors. The restaurant either publishes "advertisements" through the WeChat official account and Moments, or launches a takeaway platform, or communicates through WeChat customer service to achieve consumption. A Chaoshan beef hot pot-themed store in Dongshankou generates 70% of its daily turnover from takeout. As dine-in food is cold, takeout has become the main source of income for many restaurants. Catering companies have also paid attention to takeaway safety issues: body temperature monitoring, safety labels, contactless delivery, sealed boxes… all kinds of measures have been used.

  In addition, sinking community service is also one of the directions to break through. Chen Na, director of the brand value growth center of Yunnan Yunhai Food Catering Management Co., Ltd., said that after the epidemic, they increased the investment of some resources in online retail and quickly organized manpower to establish distribution policies. "We are exploring the establishment of a community service station within a radius of three kilometers of the store. This service station uses the advantages of Yunhai Food’s existing supply chain and logistics to help residents within a three-kilometer radius to purchase fresh ingredients and work in progress, and then deliver them to their door through community group buying." Chen Na said, "At present, we have established 100 community stations across the country."

  Countermeasure 2: Sharing labor to ease cost pressure

  Wei Xuxiang, founder of United Food, told reporters that in an ordinary Cantonese restaurant with an area of about two or three hundred square meters, the labor cost accounts for about 15% to 20%, which is higher than the rental cost.

  The reporter learned that at present, a number of urban areas in the province have issued announcements requiring restaurants to stop eating in the lobby to avoid dinners, and Panyu District is one of them. Many employees are temporarily out of work, and labor costs are a big expense for catering companies. Recently, Hema Fresh, a subsidiary of Ali, has reached a "shared employment" with catering companies to solve the problem of personnel waiting for work in catering companies, reduce the cost pressure of catering companies, and also alleviate the challenge of insufficient manpower in the supermarket lifestyle consumer industry.

  Guangzhou Daily’s full media reporter learned that more than 30 catering companies, including Xibei, Naxue, and Tanyu, are communicating and cooperating with Hema. At present, 57 degrees Xiang, Chayan Yuese, Shu Daxia, Wangxiangyuan and other catering companies have reached a cooperation with Hema, and will support more than 500 employees of Hema in total. They will be involved in packing, sorting, shelves, catering and other work, and their labor compensation will be paid by Hema. Hu Qiugen, general manager of national operation and management of Hema, said that catering companies need to solve the problem of personnel waiting for work. At the same time, their employees are safe and professionally trained, "which can quickly help solve the difficulties of increasing orders and insufficient manpower."

  Yunnan Yunhai Food Catering Management Co., Ltd. brand value growth center director Chen Na said that the current line traffic counting is low, in addition to docking box horse, they are also docking other online retail, to achieve the output of the human part, to ease the pressure of manpower.

  Cheng Gang, secretary-general of the Guangdong Catering Service Industry Association, told Guangzhou Daily that the association is currently working with professional third-party human resources enterprises to meet their needs, hoping to allocate the rich manpower of Guangdong catering enterprises by transferring jobs or enterprises, including coordinating the deployment of excess manpower from some catering enterprises to pharmaceutical enterprises and factories with greater demand for personnel.

  Countermeasure 3: "Slim down" in time and wait for the market to recover

  These days, the chairperson of Yaohua Catering Group, Qu, can’t sleep at night again, thinking about solutions. Two days ago, he made a painful decision to close five of his brand stores. So far, there are 15 stores left in the group, distributed in Liwan, Yuexiu, Tianhe and Baiyun districts. Yaohua Group is a Guangzhou Catering Group with a series of Lingnan-style brands such as Goose Gong Village, Banmanwan, Lingnan True Flavor, Flavor Rice Congee City, and Shahefen Village. There are a total of 2,000 or 3,000 employees in its 20 stores. Now, he has to "break his arm" and give up some stores in order to reduce losses as much as possible. At the same time, he compensates employees and introduces other stores that "pass the file" to work according to the needs of employees.

  Diandude, a well-known catering company in Guangzhou, revealed that all its store dine-in business is currently closed, leaving only a few stores to operate takeaway business. "On the one hand, we respond actively, and on the other hand, we face it calmly and wait patiently," Shen Zhihui, general manager of Diandude, told reporters. Shen Zhihui’s family has been engaged in the catering industry for generations and also experienced the "SARS" period. He said that the response at that time was to "lose weight", reduce the business area, focus on the main business, and at the same time pay attention to food safety and wait for the market recovery.

Countdown to "Wuzhen time" ing! Are you ready?

  From November 16th to 18th, the highly anticipated 3rd World Internet Conference will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. At that time, the world Internet will once again enter "Wuzhen time".


  In 2014, the World Internet Conference "landed" in Wuzhen. This beautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River is famous for its connection with the Internet. Now, the annual World Internet Conference has entered its third year. After two years of accumulation, Wuzhen, a thousand-year-old town, has also taken on new life because of the integration of the Internet. Tomorrow, it will open its arms again to welcome guests and friends from all over the world.

  At this moment, Wuzhen was ready…

  At present, the conference volunteers are in place, some media have started work, and all preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. If you don’t believe me, look~


In order to ensure the smooth progress of media reports, the WI-FI signal in Wuzhen will be fully covered.


  It is understood that,This conference will feature six forums and 20 topics, covering cutting-edge hot issues such as Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, Internet governance, and Internet international cooperation.

  The third Internet Conference is approaching. Do you remember the highlights of the previous two sessions?


  On December 16, 2015, the 2nd World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. The top leader of the President attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Photo by Li Tao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

  The Supreme Leader’s Four Principles and Five Propositions

  At the Second World Internet Conference, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech.It is proposed that to promote the reform of the global Internet governance system, four principles should be adhered to, namely, respect for network sovereignty, and safeguardingPeace and security, promoting open cooperation, and building good order.

  In response to how countries should expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, the Supreme Leader put forward five propositions, namely, to accelerate global network infrastructure building and promote interconnection; to create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform to promote exchanges and mutual learning; to promote the innovative development of the network economy and promote common prosperity; to ensure cyber security and promote orderly development; to build an Internet governance system and promote fairness and justice.

  The speech of the supreme leader caused heated discussions among the guests, and everyone said that President Xi’s speech was down-to-earth and heart-warming, reflecting the attitude and direction of our country’s Internet openness and cooperation, and planning a blueprint for the development of our country’s Internet industry in the next 5 to 10 years.

  This year, what will the Supreme Leader Chairperson say? Stay tuned~

  The First Internet Conference New Products and New Concepts

  The "Light of the Internet" theme exhibition of the first Internet Conference mainly showcased the development achievements of China’s Internet in the past 20 years. More than 50 well-known Internet companies at home and abroad, including BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent), the three major domestic communication operators, Huawei,, etc., showcased the cutting-edge technologies and application achievements of the Internet industry at that time. For example, Ant Financial Services, Tencent Smart Wear, Baidu Interactive Mirror… In addition, Internet bosses also delivered keynote speeches.

  Ma Yun: Solving the problem of counterfeiting can only rely on the Internet

  At the first World Internet Conference, Alibaba Group Executive Chairperson Jack Ma delivered a keynote speech, saying that the problem of counterfeiting can only be solved by the Internet. He believes that merchants are most afraid of selling counterfeits on Taobao, because it is easy to find out who is selling, and the public security can find it immediately.

  Zhou Hongyi: The Internet must have the concept of "great security"

  With the increasing popularity of the Internet, cyber security has also attracted more and more attention. During the first World Internet Conference, Zhou Hongyi, chairperson and CEO of Qihoo 360, said that the establishment of a cyber security environment should not be limited to just killing viruses, but should further strengthen the concept of "big security".

  Rebs talks about Xiaomi’s "dream" and is ridiculed by Apple

  At the first World Internet Conference, Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi Technology, said of his dream: "According to our current mastery and investment in the Internet, Xiaomi may become the world’s number one smartphone company in five to 10 years." In this regard, Bruce Sewell, senior vice-president of Apple, quipped: "It is always easy to say, but it is not so easy to do."

As the permanent site of the World Internet Conference, Internet elements can be seen everywhere on the ancient streets of Wuzhen.

  The Second Internet Conference achieved full intelligence, and new economic forces emerged

  The second Internet Conference has a new "Light of the Internet" Expo. Nearly 260 companies from the Asia-Pacific region, the United States, Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world participated in the exhibition, and more than 80 special conferences were held, which fully showcased the cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements of Internet development at home and abroad. Baidu driverless cars, Volvo "smart connected cars", and China Telecom’s 5G technology have all appeared. So, what is the difference between this summit and the previous one?

  Summit to achieve full intelligence, dedicated APP is awesome

  As the permanent venue of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen has achieved a comprehensive improvement in networking and intelligence under the driving force of Internet development. In 2015, the summit developed a dedicated APP and established a conference cloud system to realize 4G network and Internet experience in all time and space.

  Emergence of new economic power of Internet celebrities

  In 2015, a new ethnic group was born, the Internet celebrities, which is a significant feature on Alibaba’s e-commerce platform. Its production is another manifestation of the power of the whole new economy. Zhang Yong, Alibaba’s chief executive, believes that they rely entirely on the power of individuals to gather a group of like-minded fans to follow her, and ultimately generate economic opportunities and business opportunities. This is very amazing.


  Blue calico salesperson Zhao Bingsen introduced to reporters that through the Internet, sales channels have been fully opened, and monthly online sales can reach more than 100,000 yuan.


  Looking back at the achievements and highlights of the previous two summits, what are the people and things worth paying attention to at this Internet Conference? More exciting, let’s wait and see.

  Reporter: Wang Rui, Wang Wenwei

  Photo by Han Jing

Reduce the price! Subsidies! Cars with more than 200,000 yuan are directly discounted by 100,000 yuan? The "price war" started! These cars are all cheap →

Guangzhou, Guangdong: A variety of models get together to promote consumers’ opportunities.

In China, the sales of new energy vehicles are increasing.In 2022, the annual sales of new energy vehicles in China was 6.887 million, a year-on-year increase of 93.4%.According to the latest data of the Federation, the retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China reached 31.6% in February 2023, far exceeding the level of the same period last year. This brings double challenges of market and price to the traditional fuel vehicle market. What changes have taken place in the consumer market?

CCTV reporter Yan Yaqian:At the scene of an automobile consumption festival in Guangzhou, Guangdong, many consumers came to buy cars and choose cars. There are about 50 automobile brands in the whole exhibition area, and there are as many as 150 models on display.

The staff told reporters that the biggest change in this year’s auto show is that the preferential strength has increased significantly. In addition to the 1000 yuan-3,000 yuan consumption subsidy, various manufacturers also have different degrees of promotional activities.

Mo Zunming, a staff member of Guangzhou Dongfeng Nissan booth:The original price of this car is 271,300 yuan, which means a discount of 85,000 yuan. There are licensing subsidies and insurance subsidies, and the maximum discount can be more than 100,000 yuan.

The staff told the reporter that two years ago, the proportion of new energy vehicles at the auto show was only 20%, and there were few concessions. This year, the proportion of new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles is equivalent, and the promotion efforts have also increased. In the face of competition, in order to win more customers, fuel car manufacturers are also reducing prices and promoting sales. The "price war" is in full swing, which also makes consumers with car purchase plans eager to try.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei, Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and other places have introduced various policies aimed at stimulating automobile consumption, including issuing coupons, extending the time of car purchase subsidies, and increasing car purchase indicators.China Association of Automobile Manufacturers predicts that the total automobile sales in China will be 27.6 million in 2023, up 3% year-on-year, of which the sales of passenger cars will be 23.8 million, up 1.3% year-on-year; The sales volume of new energy vehicles was 9 million, a year-on-year increase of 35%.

New energy vehicles have cut prices and fuel vehicles have entered the market to "fight"

At the beginning of January this year, Tesla launched the "first shot" of car price reduction, and then new energy brands such as Wenjie, Tucki and Zero Run followed suit.At the beginning of March, the news of a group of "Dongfeng" car companies’ promotion pushed the "price war" of this price reduction promotion to a climax. With the promotion of new energy vehicles at reduced prices, fuel vehicles have increased subsidies to "fight". What changes are reflected behind this in the automobile industry?

In March, in Hubei Province, several brands of Dongfeng Motor Group jointly cut prices, and Citroen C6, which only sold for 120,000 yuan, rushed to the hot search, and "flying to Hubei to buy a car" became a hot topic.

After Hubei, more than 40 car companies and nearly 100 models have joined the "price war" in Shanghai, Guangdong, Jilin and other regions, which has also stimulated consumers’ enthusiasm for buying.

The reporter learned that for fuel vehicles, on the one hand, the price reduction promotion is due to fierce market competition, on the other hand, the "National Six B", which is known as the most stringent emission standard, will be implemented. Car companies that used the "National Six A" emission standard models need to clean up their inventory before the implementation of the new regulations, and price reduction is undoubtedly the most direct and effective means. The price reduction of new energy vehicles also benefited from the sharp drop in the price of raw materials upstream of power batteries. According to industry insiders, in the long run, the new energy vehicle market has great development potential.

Ni Wei, Chief Analyst of Everbright Securities Automobile:The impact of fuel vehicle price reduction on new energy vehicles will become smaller and smaller, because users will naturally stratify; At the same time, the R&D investment of car companies based on the next generation is basically in the field of new energy vehicles, so we think that the competitiveness of fuel vehicles will become weaker and weaker.

Market participants said that "green and low carbon" has become the transformation direction of the automobile industry, and the rapidly growing brands and models of new energy vehicles are also the performance of traditional automobile enterprises and market transformation. In the foreseeable future, the fast-growing new energy vehicles will launch rounds of challenges to fuel vehicles, and the fuel vehicles themselves are also fully transforming into new energy vehicles. Traditional car companies and new forces will meet again on a smarter and greener track.

China’s Beidou will become a global navigation system: no longer subject to US restrictions

  Reference News NetworkReported on August 22Russian media said that the creation of a Sino-Russian joint orbital cluster (consisting of 50-55 satellites) will help use the Beidou Satellite Navigation System (BDS) anywhere in the world. Many Asian countries are now using the Beidou Satellite Navigation System. Andrei Jonin, a member of the Russian Government Expert Council and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was interviewed by the Satellite Communications Agency and made the above statement on the completion of the compatibility test between the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system and the Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system.

  According to the Russian Satellite Network on August 19, Jonin said that after building a unified satellite cluster, "concerns about possible movements of Americans and Europeans will be completely eliminated." He pointed out that Americans can cut off the global satellite positioning system and do whatever they want with it, but this has no impact on consumers of GLONASS and Beidou services.

  According to the report, the study of navigation conditions along the Silk Road Economic Belt by Chinese and Russian experts ended simultaneously. In Russia, the test route was carried out in the promising "Europe-Western China" international transportation corridor, with a total round-trip distance of about 7,000 kilometers. Chinese experts carried out tests along the route of Xi’an-Lanzhou-Urumqi-Khorgos, with a total length of more than 3,200 kilometers.

  According to the report, the two sides analyzed the operating conditions of the navigation system, the possible interference of using two navigation systems simultaneously, the coverage of traffic lines, and other parameters required for high-precision navigation. The resulting data will help the Chinese and Russian researchers to draw conclusions about how much more accurate the two systems, Glonass and Beidou, can be when operating together than when operating separately.

  Yonin has no doubt that Beidou will become a global satellite navigation system for Chinese military personnel by 2020.

  According to the report, China has set this mission, and Jonin said that there is no doubt that China will solve this task. China plans to launch satellites because their current orbital cluster lacks some satellite composition for global coverage. China will have 30 satellites in orbit by 2020, which is enough to solve its own military mission at any time and any place. But the global Beidou will only be used for military purposes, and 30 satellites will not be enough for civilian purposes, because with most consumers living in cities, 50 to 55 satellites are required. That is to say, the Sino-Russian joint satellite cluster is sufficient for them. In this scenario, Beidou becomes a global satellite navigation system, like GPS and Glonass. You can call this orbital cluster whatever you want – the China-Russia orbital cluster, the SCO orbital cluster, the BRICS orbital cluster… The main thing is that it will be independent, so after the construction is completed, all countries that want to use this orbital cluster can no longer worry about any movements of the Americans and Europeans.

  Experts explain that in the event of a conflict between China, Russia, China, Russia, and the United States, all consumers of GLONASS and Beidou navigation services will not be harmed in any way. This is important for all countries concerned about US sanctions, including those related to the use of GPS.

  During the test, the possibility of providing high-precision navigation services by the future joint system of Glonass and Beidou was analyzed, that is, the coordinate position was determined within the accuracy of tens of centimeters or even a few centimeters, rather than within the accuracy of 10 meters to 15 meters. Yonin pointed out that, indeed, for current car freight or railway transportation, this problem is not so urgent at present.

  For the future mode of transportation, it is also called "smart driving" or "partially driverless", and so-called "caravan driving", which means that multiple trucks form a kind of serpentine formation, and the driver of the first car guides the entire caravan. All this is necessary. What is needed here is high-precision navigation. So, it is very good to have started to study this problem for the future.

  According to the report, Russian experts estimate that, like the entire project, the test results will help ensure high-precision satellite navigation services for Chinese and Russian consumers in the coming decades. The Sino-Russian joint navigation system is a strategic project. It is no accident that the above cooperation direction is regarded by both sides as the most promising direction in the high-tech field.

After the influx of designers, Xiaohongshu wants to suppress big moves with VOGUE.

In 2023, the prestigious "VOGUE Fashion Fund" project landed in China for the first time. The award was jointly founded by American VOGUE and the American Fashion Designers Association (CFDA), and has nurtured many cutting-edge designers in the past 20 years. A few days ago, the VOGUE Fashion Fund 2024 China Young Designers Support Program was officially launched. This support program will protect the growth of designers in all directions. In addition to winning awards, contestants can also deeply connect with top international fashion resources.

As one of the most eye-catching industry events this year, how to undertake the influence radiated from the designer circle online? Unlike international projects, which often seek the head platform, "VOGUE Fashion Fund" finally chose Xiaohongshu as the exclusive platform partner.

Think about it carefully, such a choice is reasonable-since last year, Xiaohongshu has made full efforts in e-commerce.

Thanks to the unique content gene, Xiaohongshu e-commerce is rapidly forming an atmosphere of integration of brand merchants, buyers and users. Xiaohongshu e-commerce has established brand recognition through rich content, and the advantages of high repurchase rate and low return rate have also made many brands start to make efforts in Xiaohongshu e-commerce, treating it as a high-potential player at the same level as WeChat video number, and the last "traffic depression".

Among them, designers are a special group, which is a circle that matches the platform mind and user portrait of Xiaohongshu. In the past year, the potential of designers in the rise of Little Red Book is obvious: under the topic of Little Red Book # First Person Designer #, the exposure of notes has exceeded 79 million. In 2023, Xiaohongshu launched Xiaohongshu REDlabel, as a store IP with Xiaohongshu certification, unique concept, fashionable attitude and leading the trend. Since March last year, the number of REDlabel brands has increased fourfold.

If we look at the whole industry horizontally, designers are also one of the brightest new forces in the past two years.

In the past, designers in China made their mark in the industry more by "creativity", but the lack of business operation knowledge made the subsequent development of designers’ brands weak. Changes have occurred in recent years. More and more young designers have completed the identity transformation from "designer to manager", and the incubation process of independent designer brands has obviously accelerated. These stylized designer brands have enriched the content of the platform and the source of "goods" with diverse brand temperament, and after gathering people with different interests, they have precipitated and formed "circle culture".

Xiaohongshu, which has rich content and buyers’ resources, naturally has the advantage of attracting designers, but how to maintain this advantage? How to make designers realize commercialization while recognizing the value of content planting grass, Xiaohongshu has its own solution.

Designers who are not obsessed with "explosive models"

Found a friend here

"I don’t really approve of the Internet, or the presentation of some short videos."

In 2014, Linhuanying registered her own original brand under the name of the pinyin of her name "Lin Huanying". At that time, the domestic market style was single, and there was no new national tide or new Chinese style. The most popular markets for clothes with oriental elements are in Europe and America. The sales logic of the apparel industry is mostly "fast-moving", and the high-priced "designer money" appears more in the show.

For a subdivided style like "New Chinese Style", it is no exaggeration to say that we want to find accurate users such as "looking for a needle in a haystack".

But Lin Huanying doesn’t want to give up. In 2023, the "New Chinese Style" became popular, and it swept out of the circle from Xiaohongshu, becoming the fastest growing track. According to the data of thousands of melons, the volume of notes related to "New Chinese Style" in Little Red Books increased by more than 390% last year, and the total amount of interaction increased by more than 188%. After nearly ten years, Lin Huanying finally waited for the "fashion reincarnation" and ushered in her own opportunity.

Lin Huanying described it as a feeling at that time: "I felt that I saw hope in Little Red Book." The notes spontaneously created by a large number of users make the "new Chinese style" completely out of the circle. This platform potential energy leads the cutting-edge trend style and quickly gathers a circle of "loving the new Chinese style". Here, she found fans-or "friends"-who can exchange brand ideas and fabric technology.

LINHUANYING, the manager of the new Chinese clothing brand Lin Huanying

Detonating the style of the minority, even the subdivided categories can find "accurate user groups" for them, input the first batch of users for the brand, and accumulate the reputation of designers through content fermentation, which is the unique value that Xiaohongshu can provide.

Long Hongzi, the founder of the handmade silver jewelry brand "soft mountains Soft Mountain", recalled that when he was studying in london college of fashion in his early years, he brought the traditional accessories of the Yi people, and people around him were very interested in these jewels. This gave her the idea of "building a brand in a literary and humanistic way". However, after returning to China to set up "Soft Mountain", it was not smooth at first.

She often feels lonely. "No one in China can understand what we are doing, and almost no one is optimistic. I don’t even have anyone to discuss, how to do this style of brand is to cross the river by feeling the stones. There is no case reference in China. "

She is eager to know, "What are my guests, living them?"

In 2023, exploring the beauty of tradition, represented by national tide culture and minority culture, became a new popular trend of Little Red Books. "It turns out that what my grandmother and they wear can also be worn by modern young people." Long Hongzi began to receive such private messages frequently on the account of Xiaohongshu. She was surprised to find that the face of the "guest" was no longer blurred. The unique customer community and sharing community in Little Red Book are natural research fields and communication spaces. This made her "a little closer to the real guests".

At the same time, the original vegetable tanning leather brand "Qiuzhen" also found this unique group in Little Red Book: "tap water users". Founder Cheng Baohua attaches great importance to these "real voices". These loyal customers shared their real experience and satisfaction with Qiuzhen products in Little Red Book, which made great contributions to Qiuzhen’s attention and growth. He believes that "because these sharing are real experiences, they are from the heart, so other users can feel that this is a real sharing."

The unique user communication atmosphere and real user voice on Little Red Book platform enable designers to find "confidence" and gain insight into market trends. Even in constant communication and collision, designers generate can come up with new ideas and feed back product development.

However, one problem is that when the field of "content planting" and "user communication" is opened, how can designers be willing to settle in and retain them, not only to "plant grass" but also to realize "transaction"?

From planting grass to trading

How to expand the "living space" of designer brands?

For a long time, Little Red Book has been imitated by other platforms.

Under the background of the peak of Internet demographic dividend, "seeking increment" is no longer the core competitive idea, and how to "tap the stock" is the main theme of competition. And "content" is the most intense battlefield-whether it is to improve the platform DAU (the number of daily active users), or to increase the frequency of users’ use and stretch the duration of users’ use, "content" has a miraculous effect.

For merchants, Xiaohongshu is the most suitable platform for interacting with consumers. When e-commerce enters the era of "diversified and multi-platform operation", many merchants begin to operate across platforms, while Xiaohongshu, video number and other platforms that have not invested much in e-commerce business before are considered as the last "traffic depression".

In 2023, Xiaohongshu obviously accelerated the process of commercialization and increased investment in e-commerce. In this year, Angel, Orfila and other small red book buyers’ live broadcast rooms have been circled one after another. The original power of small red book, "designer", became the first group to catch the small red book e-commerce express train, realizing "opening the market with content and buyers planting grass, and stabilizing the passenger flow with buyers’ cooperation and shops".

Soft mountains soft mountain new products

This is also in line with the expectations of many designers: customers who spend in Xiaohongshu first perceive the brand and content, and then trade, rather than the traditional e-commerce "54321" sales promotion. This gives Xiaohongshu e-commerce a "differentiated" advantage.

Lin Huanying recalled that she registered her corporate account in Xiaohongshu in April 2022, but it was only as a supplement to offline business at that time. It was not until July that she began to spend 50% of her energy on the operation of Xiaohongshu. Until the end of the year, she suddenly discovered that the online demand for Xiaohongshu was very high. She said that she came to Xiaohongshu at first because of "operating costs". "Because of the high investment in offline branding and the large market for other head brands, it is more difficult to start. However, being self-media has little pressure on capital requirements. "

In Xiaohongshu, they experienced three stages of growth. Due to the lack of certain e-commerce experience, they initially achieved initial growth through the investment of commodity notes. After Daren took the initiative to seek cooperation, it achieved a large increase again; After that, in the context of the platform encouraging brands to do shop broadcasting, preparations, anchor search and mutual running-in began in July last year, and shop broadcasting began to improve from September to October. To sum up, through the three steps of "note drainage, live broadcast by talented people, and self-broadcast by shops", we gradually found the rhythm of business.

ALMOND ROCKS(AR), a brand of designer socks, takes a fancy to the "stability" of management.

Its founder said that at first, the unique value of Little Red Book to AR brand mainly lies in its rich content and interactive community, as well as the gathering of buyers who have a unique understanding of wearing and fashion. But they gradually found that this value is not limited to promotion. "Our buyers are all real users. They are opinion leaders in the minority field, and they share the rules and feelings of dressing in daily life. I think this is the most touching thing for consumers." He revealed that the most direct impact is that consumers can understand products from multiple angles, which greatly reduces impulse purchases and the return rate is very low.

The founder of cashmere knitting brand "322 workhouse" believes that the small red book e-commerce is an incremental supplement. "After Xiaohongshu planted grass, even through passwords and other means, there will be a loss rate in the process of forming and transforming another platform. These data feedbacks made the team realize very early that opening a store in Xiaohongshu has the opportunity to minimize the turnover rate and improve the initiative. "

Whether it is because of the controllable operating costs, the consideration of inventory and return rate, or the incremental supplement, these designer brands have started to invest in Xiaohongshu e-commerce for different reasons. Xiaohongshu’s active user content community and rich buyer resources make them grow rapidly and have considerable potential.

The offline physical space of designer socks brand ALMOND ROCKS(AR)

China cutting-edge designer

What kind of long-term business position is needed?

In recent years, China designers have attracted more and more attention on the international stage and brought more and more heavyweight design awards back to China. Most of these designers graduated from famous design and art schools all over the world. Their design styles span traditional and modern times, and the original brand stores they created appear in the streets and lanes, which are gradually becoming the vanguard of China fashion industry.

But in the past, designers were a relatively "closed" group. A designer wants his own brand to survive, and the places where his works can be seen are very limited. Behind the seemingly rich choices, designers often need to pay an "invisible tuition fee". Designers who don’t know how to operate, channel or market may have to bear the price of failure. How to balance creativity and business is also a science-excessive commercialization may make the brand lose its creativity and become boring; However, excessive pursuit of creativity may also leave the market and make the brand unable to survive.

How can these young designers be seen by more people and cross the market cycle when the brand is still young?

Little Red Book, which is not so "commercialized" and has a unique "content gene", may be the most suitable platform to support designers’ brands. Xiaohongshu e-commerce is biased towards the bottom logic of "content community" and has built a set of traffic distribution mechanism with "content" as the core. Even the most individual niche designer brands will not be involved in the endless situation of "advertising and advertising". The right to speak is dispersed to buyers, users and experts, so that small and medium-sized brands also have the opportunity to "mine traffic by content".

These designers who are good at sharing their lifestyles and life concepts are not only the brand owners, but also one of the most important user groups of Xiaohongshu. It can be said that their style is brand style, which constantly attracts users with the same "smell" to approach the brand.

This is also an important reason why Xiaohongshu e-commerce has continuously introduced favorable measures to support designers.

Since last year, Xiaohongshu e-commerce has promoted designer brands with the help of many fashion buyers. Such as Angel, Orfila and Han Huohuo. The offline showroom launched once a month last year has created a space for designers to communicate with fashion buyers, so that designers can be seen by more people. This popular activity was continued this year, creating an online showroom.

In order to better support the brand, Xiaohongshu e-commerce launched the Focus30 list and the Rise100 annual list. This year, the RedForce project was also launched, which provided customized support according to the needs of the brand, such as the latest on-line riding plan, and invited fashion bloggers and designers to jointly build a brand live broadcast room, so as to open a bigger world for designer brands and find new growth.

Recently, Little Red Book REDlabel has become the exclusive platform partner of VOGUE Fashion Fund 2024, which is also to better incubate designer brands. During the event, Little Red Book REDlabel will join hands with VOGUE to open an exclusive registration channel for designers. REDlabel of Xiaohongshu will also provide "note flow incentive" and "green channel for opening a store" for the participating designers, as well as all kinds of training and resource support needed for the long-term operation of the store, so as to help the brand’s fans accumulate and grow, and open up the business path of "content-e-commerce" for them.

From opening a store in the offline trend block to creating the IP of the manager, this is the traditional path of designer brand development in the past.

However, with the increasing popularity of the domestic independent designer market, a more mature and professional way is needed to incubate brands. This requires not only enough fashion resources for irrigation, but also financial and commercial assistance to capital, which requires founders to learn multi-dimensional knowledge such as supply chain management, channel management and cost control to launch brand management.

In a sense, Xiaohongshu e-commerce, which supports designers from various aspects in terms of content, management and resources, has become an important platform for obtaining industry information and communicating with peers, and has also become a "novice training camp" for founders to change from designer status to brand management. In the future, with more and more original designers settling in and opening stores, Little Red Book will also become the core business position of cutting-edge designers in China, and under the unique ecological blessing of "content community", it will become a key channel to get through the dialogue between designers and users.

BYD Hanxin arrived at the store, and the real car experience exceeded expectations.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net July 2 With the listing date of BYD Dynasty flagship Han approaching, the distinguished models of Han EV with long battery life and the flagship models of Han EV four-wheel drive with high performance have taken the lead in landing in authorized stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Chengdu and Xi ‘an. Many consumers are rushing to grab fresh tasting in the first time-the safety strength, benchmarking performance and luxury quality of Han comprehensive hardcore are amazing.

  Han’s sincere pre-sale price of 230,000-280,000 yuan, and two booking rights that can be enjoyed at the same time-"paying 99 yuan online intention money to participate in the activity of doubling Difenhui points" and "enjoying 60,000 yuan for science and technology for 10,000 yuan" are equally surprising, and both online and offline have set off a booking boom. Up to now, Han has received 13,000 online orders and 9,000 offline orders.

  Appearance: dynamic and elegant.

  When I first saw the real EV car, the sense of atmosphere and luxury given by the whole car was incomparable with the pictures. The first is the appearance. Han EV is developed based on the product positioning and design standards of medium and large cars, with a long wheelbase of 2920mm and a length, width and height of 4,980 mm/1,910 mm/1,495 mm, creating a powerful gas field comparable to that of executive-class cars. The Dragon Face design language adopted by Han EV combines the dragon elements of China culture with modern car-making aesthetics, and the dynamic and elegant vehicle shape with great aerodynamic efficiency is impressive.

  From the front face of Han EV, we can vaguely see the shadow of "Dragon": the curved surface design of "Dragon Mouth", and the "Dragon Eyebrows" are incarnated as daytime running lights and position lamp, which makes people sigh the perfect combination of aesthetics and functions. The effect after lighting is cool and can enhance the product recognition of Han.

  Coming to the side of the car, the design of the side of the Han car body is simple and hierarchical, and the waistline of the fender near the rear of the car protrudes, expressing the sense of diving power. Details such as the "Han" logo on the retractable door handle and the gentleman’s hairpin on the fender reflect unique design ingenuity.

  In the rear part, the headlights adopt the design element of "Dragon Claw", which echoes the dragon face. The scratch-type design shows the power sense of "Dragon Claw" more vividly. When the penetrating taillights are lit, they are not only dynamic and dazzling, but also make people feel the extraordinary charm of luxury cars.

  Interior: luxury is the bone and tradition is the rhyme.

  From the outside to the inside, Han has created a unique aesthetic feeling and charm of Chinese luxury through the careful carving of interior layout, detailed modeling and even materials, colors and textures, which is amazing. The driving space is centered on the large-size floating central control panel, and the display and function areas extend to both sides, creating a full-fledged atmosphere for drivers and passengers. The flat-bottomed multifunctional steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, front trim panel of co-pilot, air outlet of air conditioner and speakers are unfolded in a zigzag layout on both sides, showing the character connotation of Chinese luxury. Han’s interior has developed five colors: Xuanwu Black, Suzaku Red, Kirin Brown, Eclipse Blue and Sky Grey, providing consumers with three kinds of atmosphere color matching options: Xuanwu Black+Suzaku Red, Xuanwu Black+Kirin Brown and Eclipse Blue+Sky Grey, which better meet the personalized needs of luxury car consumers with high-grade style.

  Han’s Chinese luxury is impressive. The Nappa leather raw material of the seat is selected from cattle hide imported from Brazil and processed by more than 20 processes. It has good air permeability, delicate texture and soft touch. The two-way Long Lin stitching is integrated into China aesthetics, bringing a noble and high-end look and feel. The solid wood in the car is made of nearly 100-year-old cork, which is polished by 12 processes. The strength and seismic performance are excellent, and the unique texture and high-grade gray texture create a harmonious and natural feeling. The real aluminum material of the audio cover is made of pure aluminum wire drawing technology, and the wire drawing depth is 1.33 microns. The proper embellishment effect further enhances the sense of luxury in vision and touch.

  The DiLink 3.0 car system carried by Han echoes the Chinese luxury style. The new UI is based on the concept of "flowing clouds and flowing water" and incorporates elements such as "Hanyu" and "Taiji" in China traditional culture, which is sci-fi without losing its ancient charm; The first screen and three interfaces enhance the sense of luxury intelligence through multi-theme, personalized interface and seamless combination of voice and screen. The whole system is very easy to use. Compared with DiLink 2.0, it has greatly improved fluency, accuracy of speech recognition and reaction speed, and has become smoother.

  Han’s Chinese luxury is not only in the front row, but also in the back row. The ample deep space created by the super-long wheelbase, the boss key on the side of the passenger seat and the rear seat supporting large-scale multi-directional electric adjustment not only bring the unique sense of dignity to the rear passengers of Chinese luxury, but also further strengthen the positioning of Han’s medium and large luxury cars.

  Starting from Yan Yan’s devotion to strength, Han set off a booking boom with super product strength, sincere pre-sale price and increasing booking rights. Han will go on the market on July 10th, and real cars will land in terminal stores in major cities one after another. Welcome to the store to taste more exciting things of Han.

Xiaomi Automobile: SU7 needs to be re-queued after refitting, and it cannot be returned after refitting successfully.

On April 14 th, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Automobile, issued a document today announcing that the 24-hour limited time reconfiguration will be started at 9: 00 am on April 19. Xiaomi Automobile gave a further explanation in the answer to a netizen’s question (episode 17) tonight.

Xiaomi said. The delay of car pick-up time depends on the lock time of the user’s current order Even if the user locks the order early and ranks high, the delivery cycle will be significantly increased because of the successful reconfiguration. And it cannot be returned after successful repartition, so please repartition carefully.

For the question of "why is it limited to one day?" Xiaomi said that the production of the factory and the preparation of materials were prepared in advance according to everyone’s lock orders, and the supply of materials was not timely, which in turn affected the efficiency of production and delivery of vehicles. Starting from ensuring the delivery cycle of all users, the company chose the scheme to minimize the impact, hoping to get everyone’s understanding.

The full text of Xiaomi attached to IT House is as follows:

We really weighed the impact of the reallocation on the order sequence many times, and finally decided that we need to queue up again after reallocation, which is fairer to all users.

The delay of picking up the car depends on the locking time of your current order. Even if you lock the order early and rank high, the delivery cycle will be significantly increased because of the successful reconfiguration. And it cannot be returned after successful refitting. Please refit carefully!

Since listing, we have been listening carefully to your suggestions and continuously trying our best to solve problems for you. Thank you for your trust and support. The specific rules are subject to the relocation rules in Xiaomi community, and you can also consult your sales consultant or delivery consultant for a more personalized consultation reply.

The production of the factory and the preparation of materials are prepared in advance according to everyone’s lock list. If a large number of changes are made continuously, the production will be chaotic and the material supply will not be timely, which will affect the efficiency of production and delivery of vehicles. Starting from ensuring the delivery cycle of all users, we chose the scheme to minimize the impact, hoping to get your understanding.

Due to the different default permission settings of different brands, it may be impossible to charge Xiaomi SU7 normally because it is only available for a certain brand model or the white list authorization mechanism. Before users of Xiaomi SU7 use other brands to fill piles, please make sure that the charging permission setting is turned on at the pile end. For the specific permission setting method, please refer to the instruction manual of the corresponding brand pile or communicate with its customer service for a detailed tutorial.

Taking the pile filling of Tesla’s third generation home as an example, it is necessary to change the access control of the pile end from "Tesla only" to "all vehicles" before charging Xiaomi SU7. The steps to modify the initial setting procedure are as follows:

At present, Xiaomi’s smart parking products do not support the related functions of calling vehicles from a long distance at a specific location in the parking lot.

The modified structures and parts cannot enjoy the official warranty rights; The structural and functional damage of the vehicle caused by modification is also beyond the coverage of warranty rights. Detailed warranty policy of Xiaomi SU7 can be found in official website.

Sure. After you turn on the cell phone hotspot, find the corresponding cell phone hotspot network in "Settings-Connection -WLAN" on the central control panel and connect it.

Of course, the mobile phone can also be connected to the hotspot network of the car. If you have purchased the physical buttons on the central control panel, you can use the NFC-enabled system mobile phone to connect the car hotspots by relying on the volume knob in the middle of the physical buttons on the central control panel. If there is no physical button on the central control panel, open the car hotspot network on the central control panel and connect with the mobile phone.

After the mobile phone is connected to the hot spot of the car, it can not only share the network of the car. If passengers use mobile phones equipped with Xiaomi HyperOS system, convenient control of vehicle seats, air conditioners, music, etc. can also be realized in the integrated equipment center of mobile phones.

Eleven driving assistance cameras are standard on all models of Xiaomi SU7. When the forward binocular camera detects occlusion, it will automatically turn on the heating wire in its window for heating, defogging/rain/snow removal, without manual operation.

At the same time, Xiaomi SU7 Pro and Xiaomi SU7 Max are also equipped with lidar. When occlusion is detected, the lidar window will automatically turn on the heating function, and this heating function also needs no manual operation.

Xiaomi SU7 has four electric air outlets, so you can freely choose the blowing mode and wind direction. At present, functions such as automatic wind sweeping and avoiding people blowing are not supported, and related functions will be pushed through OTA upgrade in the future.

In addition, the air conditioning system of Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with CN95 filter element, PM2.5 real-time monitoring system, AQS air quality detection system, antibacterial evaporator, etc., which makes the cabin air healthier and fresher.

BYD was investigated by an organization: Yifangfang Technology takes four motors as the core, and comprehensively reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: percept

  () The Record Form of Investor Relations Activities was released on June 26th. On June 26th, 2023, the company was investigated by an institution with the type of overseas institution. The main contents of investor relations activities are introduced:

  Q: What are the highlights of Tengshi N7?

  A: Tengshi N7, which is positioned as an "intelligent luxury hunting and running SUV", combines the forms of hunting car, coupe and SUV, and its appearance breaks the design boundary of traditional luxury SUV models. The interior cockpit inherits π-Motion’s aesthetic concept of endless exploration of potential energy, and creates a super-sensory interactive intelligent cockpit with five senses of space, perception, hearing, touch and smell, and potential energy extension. In terms of intelligence, N7 is the world’s first intelligent air body control system (standard version), and together with Tengshi Link super intelligent interactive cockpit and Tengshi Pilot advanced intelligent driving assistance system, it forms three intelligent technologies of Tengshi N7: intelligent chassis, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving. With the help of BYD technology empowerment, Tengshi N7 adopts hard-core technologies such as newly upgraded E platform 3.0 and CTB technology to help create a new luxury of vehicle technology.

  Q: What’s the progress of the company’s new models at sea?

  A: On June 22nd, 2023, BYD joined hands with Australian local partner EV Direct to hold the launch conference of BYD DOLPHIN at Ocean World on the Gold Coast. The prices announced on the spot were 38,890 Australian dollars for the standard endurance version, 44,890 Australian dollars for the long endurance version, and 49,990 Australian dollars for the sports version (about 240,000 RMB). The listing of BYD DOLPHIN has brought more choices to the Australian market. This model will continue to enrich BYD’s product matrix and car scenes in Australia, inject a touch of bright color into Australia’s new energy green future, and help Australia achieve a new energy green future.

  Q: What is the overseas sales situation of the company’s new energy passenger cars?

  A: According to the data of AutoLife official website in Thailand, the number of BYD ATTO3 (Yuan PLUS) was 2,025 units in May, and it won the champion of pure electric vehicle sales in Thailand for the fifth consecutive month. From January to May, 2023, the total number of BYD ATTO3 was 9,310, accounting for 38.6% of the market, and it continued to lead the pure electric passenger car market in Thailand.

  Q: Looking forward to the advantages and highlights of the brand’s easy Sifang technology platform?

  A: In January 2023, the company officially released Easy Sifang Technology. Easy Sifang technology takes the independent drive of four motors as the core, and comprehensively reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, control and execution, bringing consumers the ultimate safety, performance and experience. In the future, E-Sifang technology platform will be installed on all models of Looking Up Auto as standard, and four-motor technology will be used to bring innovative driving experience to users.

  Q: Looking forward to the channel model and the expected listing time of U8?

  A: Wangwang U8 Deluxe Edition is expected to be officially launched in August 2023, and it is expected to be delivered in September. Looking up to the brand will adopt self-operated sales channels, including self-built looking up to the central store and looking up to the exhibition hall. At present, the first batch of store building work has been started in 16 cities, and it is expected that the trial operation will begin in August, and more cities and store building progress will be announced one after another;

  Details of participating institutions are as follows:

Name of participating unit Category of participating units Name of participants Mizuho Securities overseas establishment Qian Jin

Focus interview: the characteristic industry becomes stronger, and millet flour breaks through the world.

  Cctv news(Focus Interview): In the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects just announced, there is a special snack on the list, which is snail powder in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In recent years, through industrial production and online sales, snail powder has spread all over the country and even sold all over the world. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder reached more than 10 billion yuan, which was 22 times higher than that of five years ago. It took only six years from the birth of the first bagged snail powder enterprise at the end of 2014 to the output of over 10 billion in 2020. Isn’t it amazing? Just in April this year, General Secretary of the Supreme Leader also came to Liuzhou snail powder production enterprises to learn about the industrial development, affirmed the high-quality development of the industry, and put forward new requirements for future development.

  Snail powder, the favorite food of Liuzhou people. For many Liuzhou people, memories from childhood are accompanied by the taste of snail powder.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he specially came to the snail powder production enterprises and affirmed the achievements made in the high-quality development of the snail powder industry.

  Snail powder originated from the street night market in Liuzhou in the 1980s, and it used to be eaten only in Liuzhou. Because of its special technology and many ingredients, and these ingredients must be produced locally to maintain the original flavor, it is very limited to open a shop in other places because of the high cost of air transportation.

  However, in recent years, with the development of e-commerce, especially the richness of online marketing methods such as short videos and live broadcasts, snail powder suddenly became popular. How hot is it? On the Internet, the topic of snail powder always attracts the attention of the whole people, and the reading volume often reaches several hundred million, so snail powder has become a veritable "online celebrity".

  Hot attention has brought hot sales. Especially during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Liuzhou snail powder went against the trend. The 12,000 snail powder shops in the whole network sold nearly 800 million packages of snail powder a year, ranking first in Taobao’s big data sales list. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder will reach 10.994 billion yuan, and Liuzhou snail powder has developed from a small roadside stall into a billion-dollar industry.

  In the snail powder e-commerce industrial park in Liuzhou, the anchors of various snail powder enterprises are busy with live broadcasts every day, and sales are very hot. Behind such a huge sales volume is a standardized and large-scale production system to ensure quality and efficiency.

  In a large local snail powder production enterprise, the reporter saw not only a modern production line, but also an intelligent information control center, which uses 5G technology and big data to monitor all aspects of production and sales in real time.

  Not only the production process can be monitored in real time, but also all sales can be counted and analyzed in real time with accurate data, which is convenient for better grasping the market.

  The high-quality development of Liuzhou snail powder industry has become a model for the development of local characteristic industries in China.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he also gave specific guidance on the future development of Liuzhou snail powder industry, with particular emphasis on ensuring quality and safety and promoting standardization and branding.

  Many people say that Liuzhou snail powder is lucky to stand out from the fierce competition and become a dark horse in the snack industry. However, no luck is accidental. No matter which industry is successful, it must have gone through a hard road, with the efforts and efforts of countless people.

  Yan Zhenhua is the founder of a snail powder enterprise in Liuzhou. He plays a special role in the development of snail powder industry.

  Yan Zhenhua first came up with the idea of making snail powder into bagged products because he couldn’t eat snail powder from his hometown when he was in college in other places. He thought it might be a very promising market. After graduation, Yan Zhenhua returned to Liuzhou and began to develop bagged production of snail powder.

  After being rejected many times, finally a factory is willing to cooperate to develop raw materials suitable for bag production. At this time, the local government realized this situation and was keenly aware that it was an opportunity for the development of characteristic industries.

  The local government began to promote the industrial production of snail powder. Because snail powder used to have only physical stores, there was no licensing procedure for industrial production, and everything had to be started from scratch.

  After hard work, in 2014, Yan Zhenhua’s company obtained the first "industrial product production license" for snail powder in China. Since then, snail powder can be produced in bags and sold everywhere. Soon several production enterprises in Liuzhou developed.

  Although the industry started, the initial production was very chaotic.

  At the beginning of the enterprise, all of them were produced in small workshops, with low efficiency and uneven quality. How the industry should go on tests the vision and wisdom of government managers.

  Although snail powder is just a snack, the local government has set the goal of developing it into a "modern industry with characteristics" from the beginning, insisting on standardized and branded production and taking the road of high-quality development. And this first needs to formulate a strict and unified production standard.

  The industrial production of snail powder is from scratch, and all technologies and processes must be explored by ourselves. Entrepreneurs have overcome countless problems, and production equipment has been developed and updated for several generations. These advances are inseparable from the innovative spirit of enterprises and the support and promotion of the government. In this regard, the local government has also made a lot of efforts.

  Developing characteristic industries will not only benefit enterprises, but also benefit local people and make them live a better life. When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited in April this year, he also emphasized this point.

  It is also the goal of the local government to make the development of snail powder industry benefit more people. To this end, the local government takes snail powder as the core and vigorously develops the whole industrial chain, so that more people can increase their income and get rich.

  Huang Shoujiang used to be a poor household in the village, living on the meager income of growing rice. In recent years, with the development of snail powder industry, the raw materials of snail powder, such as bamboo shoots, fungus and snails, are also in great demand. So the local government has successively built more than 500,000 mu of breeding bases to encourage farmers, especially poor households, to breed. Huang Shoujiang also planted bamboo shoots with the encouragement of government workers.

  In order to help farmers grow and breed, the local government has issued many practical policies, such as granting subsidies according to the area, sending technicians to guide farmers to standardize and breed, and signing purchase contracts with enterprises, which not only ensures the quality of raw materials, but also solves the worries of farmers.

  Now, the 6 mu of bamboo shoots planted by Huang Shoujiang can increase income by more than 20,000 yuan a year, and with the income from working, it will soon get rid of poverty. In Liuzhou, there are nearly 30,000 poverty-stricken households like Huang Shoujiang who have been lifted out of poverty by breeding snail powder raw materials, and farming has benefited more than 200,000 farmers. Their lives have changed due to industrial development.

  The local characteristic industries have developed well, and it is the local people who get the greatest benefits. In Liuzhou, an increasingly perfect snail powder industrial chain and diversified new industrial formats are taking shape: from raw material production in the upper reaches, food processing and packaging in the middle reaches, to supermarkets, e-commerce and logistics in the lower reaches, to cultural tourism experience and cultural and creative products, etc., the first, second and third industries are integrated and developed, benefiting countless people in the industrial chain. In the future, I hope that this "millet flour industry", like the hope placed by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, will continue on the road of high-quality development and do better and stronger.