Online celebrity blogger suspected of cooking great white shark was reported to attract attention. What kind of shark is it?

  Video screenshot

  These days, a video of a online celebrity food blogger shooting boiled sharks and barbecued sharks has attracted the attention of the whole network. Some popular science bloggers reported that this shark was actually a great white shark (also known as a man-eating shark), which belongs to the national second-class protected animal. Sichuan Nanchong police then intervened in the investigation.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted online celebrity blogger Tizi, who said that the shark in the video was a "sharp-toothed shark". "I got it through formal channels, and we are looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. "

  On July 16, the reporter contacted the netizen "Myth Q Blast" (hereinafter referred to as "Mr. Q") who first reported this matter, and he told some things behind this report.

  On the same day, the reporter learned from a person close to handling the case that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Event review

  Send a video of "cooking sharks"

  Food bloggers were reported.

  In the online video, the food blogger opened a package at the door of a shop, which contained a huge "shark", attracting many people to watch. Later, the online celebrity blogger and others transported the shark to the countryside, cut it up and used it for boiling and barbecue. In the video screen, the caption "Edible by Artificial Farming" is written in the upper left corner.

  The reporter found that the blogger named "Tizi" has more than 1 million fans on a short video platform, which mainly publishes videos of cooking food with seafood. However, this "shark video" reflected by netizens is no longer visible at present.

  On the evening of July 15th, the netizen "Mr. Q" updated a Weibo message: "I reported the blogger who illegally ate great white sharks, which may be a bit sudden, but I don’t intend to continue to hide it now."

  On July 16th, "Mr. Q" told reporters that the clue about "anchor online celebrity eats great white shark" originally came from a screenshot of QQ group. At 10: 38 am on July 14th, someone posted a video screenshot of the anchor "Tizi" and the shark on the QQ group. After that, I went to the short video platform to find the account of "Tizi". "According to the details of the video and the feedback from the group friends, I confirmed that it was a great white shark."

  According to the video content released by Tizi, the shark in the video weighs about 100 Jin, slightly larger than the anchor Tizi himself.

  After watching the video, "Mr. Q" then reported to the short video platform. Half an hour later, the short video platform gave him feedback, saying that the video push had been reduced. In the afternoon, "Mr. Q" and some netizens called the local fishery administration department in Nanchong to report.

  "Mr. Q" didn’t expect this matter to get such great attention. He said that even if the anchor didn’t "eat" the great white shark this time, this kind of incident may continue to happen. He hoped that everyone could better protect our marine ecology, and he didn’t want future generations to know about the great white shark only through museums and literature. "If even the great white shark can’t be protected, how can we have confidence to protect other sharks, and how can we have confidence to protect the marine ecology?"

  Question 1

  Is it a great white shark or a sharp-toothed shark?

  Blogger: It’s a sharp-toothed shark, which was obtained through formal channels.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted the blogger Tizi, and the other party said that the shark in the video was not a man-eating shark or an endangered animal, but a sharp-toothed shark. "I got it through formal channels, and we are also looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. " The blogger said that these people are slandering, and no police have contacted her yet.

  Some netizens who have seen the video suspect that the "shark" in the video is probably just a prop for bloggers to shoot the video. In response to this question, the blogger has not responded to the reporter yet.

  Professional: It’s a great white shark, and there is no artificial breeding at present.

  According to media reports, Zhou Zhuocheng, chairman of the professional committee of protozoa and aquatic ecology of China Fisheries Association, said that the shark in the video is a man-eating shark, also known as great white shark, which is a national second-class protected animal. According to the law, after fishing, it is necessary to abandon it into the sea regardless of life or death. It is illegal to go ashore, sell or buy it, and the man-eating shark is not farmed artificially.

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" is a well-known science blogger with 2.31 million fans, a research tutor and a natural science writer. He is also paying attention to the incident of "online celebrity anchor eating sharks" these days.

  On July 16th, "crested snake with black scales" said in an interview with reporters, "From the appearance characteristics, that shark is the great white shark (man-eating shark), a national second-class protected animal, and the sharp-toothed shark is a common name for the sand shark in Taiwan Province, China. The shape of the big hole sand shark is significantly different from that of the great white shark, and its size is not as big as that of the shark in the video. "

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" introduced that great white sharks are distributed all over the world, and there are records in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and Bohai Sea in China, but at present, large sharks, including great white sharks, have no artificial breeding population and cannot be cultured artificially. "The anchor said that this is ‘ Breeding big sharks ’ It is a false thing. "

  Question 2

  Where did this shark come from?


  Or suspected illegal trafficking chain.

  Well-known science blogger "crested snake with black scales" analyzed that if the shark in the video is a great white shark, it should be illegally trafficked from the coast to Sichuan. "According to the current wildlife protection law, it is not allowed to sell the national first-class and second-class protected aquatic wildlife such as the great white shark privately. Even if it is dead, it is not allowed to sell it ashore. The national first-and second-class aquatic wild protected animals that can be sold can only be marked on the list ‘ Wild population only ’ And the relevant documents are complete and can prove that they are from artificially propagated individuals. "

  "Mr. Q" also said that the shark in the video of "Tizi" was filmed in Nanchong. Based on this, he analyzed that sharks should be transported to Nanchong from coastal suppliers through cold chain transportation, which involves an illegal chain. Only the anchor himself and his group know where the supplier is.

  Mr. Q hopes to find more clues. "I tentatively put forward a preliminary action plan in the group, and five people responded successively, so I established an action planning group chat." "Mr. Q" said that according to the planned action, the six of them turned into fans of the anchor "Tizi", and first tentatively expressed their desire to buy sharks in the comment area, but the anchor only responded to the top two comments (suspected list one and list two at that time), and several people then booked the live broadcast at 7: 30 that night.

  Before the live broadcast began, Mr. Q made a simple role definition in the group. Some people pretended to be buyers of foreign aquatic products stores, and some people went to the live broadcast room to first propose to buy shark meat, with followers and children who wanted to taste shark meat.

  "In order to ensure the anchor ‘ Tizi ’ In response, the six of us will try our best to be on the list. Before the live broadcast, ‘ Snake bone ’ (Net name) charged the money separately and joined the anchor fan group. " "Mr. Q" said that that night, "Tizi" began to live broadcast the goods on the short video platform. Several of them went to the live broadcast room to leave a message and brush the screen according to the previous planning plan, and then gave gifts to the anchor "Tizi" as a reward.

  "Since the anchor has been selling the goods that the fan group doesn’t want, the top ten of the initial list left the live broadcast room one after another, so I took the opportunity to rush to the second list, ‘ Snake bone ’ Then rushed to the list of six. " "Mr. Q" said, however, something unexpected happened at this time. As the "Shark" incident gradually fermented on the Internet, many netizens flooded into the live broadcast room, asking why Tizi ate "Great White Shark".

  "Mr. Q" said that the sudden change in the live broadcast room made it impossible for himself and his teammates to ask questions to "Tizi" as originally planned, and finally "Tizi" was broadcast in advance.

  "Mr. Q" told the reporter that on July 15th, they called the fishery administration in the relevant areas where sharks may come from to tell about the situation, and then some local authorities in Nanchong took the initiative to contact him to learn about the situation.

  state of play

  The police launched an investigation.

  The blogger has been found.

  The reporter looked through the videos taken by the netizen "Tizi" in the past and found that he had been shopping in the seafood market in Nanchong, Sichuan.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted a manager of a seafood market in Nanchong City, and the other party said that he knew the online celebrity food blogger who had bought seafood in the seafood market. The manager said that the online celebrity blogger sometimes brought seafood by car and filmed it in the market. However, he doesn’t know much about this online celebrity blogger.

  The above-mentioned staff member said that he had also seen the "shark" video shot by the online celebrity blogger, saying that it was not from their market, and there was no shark for sale in the market. Besides, watching the video, the "shark" looked like frozen goods.

  Later, after contacting some vendors in the market, the above-mentioned market managers gave feedback to reporters again, saying that some online celebrity bloggers often came to the market to shoot videos. Most of the time, they brought their own frozen goods, soaked them in water, and occasionally bought some common seafood in the market.

  The manager also said that all the seafood sold in the market is very common. "I also asked the merchants in our market if they didn’t get sharks. They also said which one dares to sell sharks?"

  Afterwards, it was proved that "Tizi" filmed the shark at the entrance of an aquatic product store in Gaoping District, Nanchong, and the shark was also brought by Tizi, and it was filmed by borrowing the venue at the entrance of the aquatic product store.

  On the morning of July 15th, the reporter visited a community that appeared in the video picture of "Tizi". The doorman said that there were indeed two young girls who had taken videos in the community before. The doorman recognized that the blogger "Tizi" in the video was one of the girls who had made videos in the community before, but he was not a resident of the community.

  At present, the investigation detachment of forest and food and drug environmental knowledge of Nanchong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan has been involved in the investigation.

  The source of the shark in Tizi video and whether the shark is a "great white shark" questioned by netizens or a "sharp-toothed shark" in Tizi’s mouth still need further investigation by the police.

  On July 16th, a person familiar with the matter told the reporter that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Law popularization time

  Buying and selling great white shark teeth

  Both the buyer and the seller were sentenced.

  The reporter found that the People’s Court of Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province had tried a case of buying and selling great white shark teeth in 2019.

  The contents of the judgment document show that in September 2012, the defendant Zhang sold three great white shark (also known as man-eating shark) teeth to the defendant Gu for 18,000 yuan. It has been identified that two of the three shark teeth belong to a man-eating shark, which is a protected animal listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. After the incident, the defendants Gu and Zhang arrived at the case after receiving the notice from the public security organ. They all truthfully confessed the above facts and pleaded guilty.

  The Dongtai People’s Court held that Gu’s illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products constituted a crime of illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang illegally sells precious and endangered wildlife products, and his behavior constitutes the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products, and all of them should be punished. In the end, Gu was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5,000 yuan for the crime of illegally purchasing precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5000 yuan for the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Wang Chao zhangqian