Focus interview: the characteristic industry becomes stronger, and millet flour breaks through the world.

  Cctv news(Focus Interview): In the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects just announced, there is a special snack on the list, which is snail powder in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In recent years, through industrial production and online sales, snail powder has spread all over the country and even sold all over the world. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder reached more than 10 billion yuan, which was 22 times higher than that of five years ago. It took only six years from the birth of the first bagged snail powder enterprise at the end of 2014 to the output of over 10 billion in 2020. Isn’t it amazing? Just in April this year, General Secretary of the Supreme Leader also came to Liuzhou snail powder production enterprises to learn about the industrial development, affirmed the high-quality development of the industry, and put forward new requirements for future development.

  Snail powder, the favorite food of Liuzhou people. For many Liuzhou people, memories from childhood are accompanied by the taste of snail powder.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he specially came to the snail powder production enterprises and affirmed the achievements made in the high-quality development of the snail powder industry.

  Snail powder originated from the street night market in Liuzhou in the 1980s, and it used to be eaten only in Liuzhou. Because of its special technology and many ingredients, and these ingredients must be produced locally to maintain the original flavor, it is very limited to open a shop in other places because of the high cost of air transportation.

  However, in recent years, with the development of e-commerce, especially the richness of online marketing methods such as short videos and live broadcasts, snail powder suddenly became popular. How hot is it? On the Internet, the topic of snail powder always attracts the attention of the whole people, and the reading volume often reaches several hundred million, so snail powder has become a veritable "online celebrity".

  Hot attention has brought hot sales. Especially during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Liuzhou snail powder went against the trend. The 12,000 snail powder shops in the whole network sold nearly 800 million packages of snail powder a year, ranking first in Taobao’s big data sales list. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder will reach 10.994 billion yuan, and Liuzhou snail powder has developed from a small roadside stall into a billion-dollar industry.

  In the snail powder e-commerce industrial park in Liuzhou, the anchors of various snail powder enterprises are busy with live broadcasts every day, and sales are very hot. Behind such a huge sales volume is a standardized and large-scale production system to ensure quality and efficiency.

  In a large local snail powder production enterprise, the reporter saw not only a modern production line, but also an intelligent information control center, which uses 5G technology and big data to monitor all aspects of production and sales in real time.

  Not only the production process can be monitored in real time, but also all sales can be counted and analyzed in real time with accurate data, which is convenient for better grasping the market.

  The high-quality development of Liuzhou snail powder industry has become a model for the development of local characteristic industries in China.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he also gave specific guidance on the future development of Liuzhou snail powder industry, with particular emphasis on ensuring quality and safety and promoting standardization and branding.

  Many people say that Liuzhou snail powder is lucky to stand out from the fierce competition and become a dark horse in the snack industry. However, no luck is accidental. No matter which industry is successful, it must have gone through a hard road, with the efforts and efforts of countless people.

  Yan Zhenhua is the founder of a snail powder enterprise in Liuzhou. He plays a special role in the development of snail powder industry.

  Yan Zhenhua first came up with the idea of making snail powder into bagged products because he couldn’t eat snail powder from his hometown when he was in college in other places. He thought it might be a very promising market. After graduation, Yan Zhenhua returned to Liuzhou and began to develop bagged production of snail powder.

  After being rejected many times, finally a factory is willing to cooperate to develop raw materials suitable for bag production. At this time, the local government realized this situation and was keenly aware that it was an opportunity for the development of characteristic industries.

  The local government began to promote the industrial production of snail powder. Because snail powder used to have only physical stores, there was no licensing procedure for industrial production, and everything had to be started from scratch.

  After hard work, in 2014, Yan Zhenhua’s company obtained the first "industrial product production license" for snail powder in China. Since then, snail powder can be produced in bags and sold everywhere. Soon several production enterprises in Liuzhou developed.

  Although the industry started, the initial production was very chaotic.

  At the beginning of the enterprise, all of them were produced in small workshops, with low efficiency and uneven quality. How the industry should go on tests the vision and wisdom of government managers.

  Although snail powder is just a snack, the local government has set the goal of developing it into a "modern industry with characteristics" from the beginning, insisting on standardized and branded production and taking the road of high-quality development. And this first needs to formulate a strict and unified production standard.

  The industrial production of snail powder is from scratch, and all technologies and processes must be explored by ourselves. Entrepreneurs have overcome countless problems, and production equipment has been developed and updated for several generations. These advances are inseparable from the innovative spirit of enterprises and the support and promotion of the government. In this regard, the local government has also made a lot of efforts.

  Developing characteristic industries will not only benefit enterprises, but also benefit local people and make them live a better life. When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited in April this year, he also emphasized this point.

  It is also the goal of the local government to make the development of snail powder industry benefit more people. To this end, the local government takes snail powder as the core and vigorously develops the whole industrial chain, so that more people can increase their income and get rich.

  Huang Shoujiang used to be a poor household in the village, living on the meager income of growing rice. In recent years, with the development of snail powder industry, the raw materials of snail powder, such as bamboo shoots, fungus and snails, are also in great demand. So the local government has successively built more than 500,000 mu of breeding bases to encourage farmers, especially poor households, to breed. Huang Shoujiang also planted bamboo shoots with the encouragement of government workers.

  In order to help farmers grow and breed, the local government has issued many practical policies, such as granting subsidies according to the area, sending technicians to guide farmers to standardize and breed, and signing purchase contracts with enterprises, which not only ensures the quality of raw materials, but also solves the worries of farmers.

  Now, the 6 mu of bamboo shoots planted by Huang Shoujiang can increase income by more than 20,000 yuan a year, and with the income from working, it will soon get rid of poverty. In Liuzhou, there are nearly 30,000 poverty-stricken households like Huang Shoujiang who have been lifted out of poverty by breeding snail powder raw materials, and farming has benefited more than 200,000 farmers. Their lives have changed due to industrial development.

  The local characteristic industries have developed well, and it is the local people who get the greatest benefits. In Liuzhou, an increasingly perfect snail powder industrial chain and diversified new industrial formats are taking shape: from raw material production in the upper reaches, food processing and packaging in the middle reaches, to supermarkets, e-commerce and logistics in the lower reaches, to cultural tourism experience and cultural and creative products, etc., the first, second and third industries are integrated and developed, benefiting countless people in the industrial chain. In the future, I hope that this "millet flour industry", like the hope placed by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, will continue on the road of high-quality development and do better and stronger.